Fear of Missing Out: Contentment

Sep 18, 2022

Fear of Missing Out can lead to Compromise - it can also cause you to lack Contentment

contentment is an inward trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness that produces the fruit of joy, peace and thanksgiving in the life of a believer, regardless of outward circumstances

discontentment sees what other people have and makes you think that God has somehow shorted you - that you’re missing out on “the good life” because of a perceived lack of …




There is no satisfaction with what God has provided

There is a fear that what do you have isn’t enough

The Lord wants something different from us

Satisfaction in Him, his plan and his provision will protect us from the fear of missing out

“Not that I speak from [any personal] need, for I have learned to be content [and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy] regardless of my circumstances. I know how to get along and live humbly [in difficult times], and I also know how to enjoy abundance and live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret [of facing life], whether well-fed or going hungry, whether having an abundance or being in need. I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]”

Philippians 4:11-13 AMP

As Christ followers we find satisfaction and fulfillment, peace and rest not in more stuff but in a stronger relationship with Him

Circumstances change rapidly - someone gets sick, parent loses a job, friends betray you, stuff breaks but the Lord never changes

He is wise and knows what you need and promises to be the source of strength to make it through any difficulties

Paul didn’t fall into a trap of comparison and of lamenting what God had planned for Him - instead He trusted the Lord and knew that however much he had and whatever His circumstance was from the Lord and therefore the best thing for him at that time