Fear of Missing Out: Compromise

Aug 28, 2022

- in a group, some hot new thing, an experience
- Fear of missing out often leads to compromise

Proverbs 10:9, 11:3
- the Lord values integrity
- upright, whole-hearted, undivided

Walking in Integrity means understanding what's for you, what's not for you, and then being OK with it

Luke 14:28
- There is a cost associated with being a Christ follower
- You will miss out on some things
- we prepare now for a foundation of obedience

Why does God say 'no' to some things?
- damage to relationships, distraction from purpose

Galatians 6:14
- Walking in Integrity means being committed to the Lord and His ways
- what are you missing out on by being half-hearted in your commitment God?
- Paul challenged the church to see their relationship to the world in view of the cross
- some things in life would not be for them
- the Word is full of guidance for how to walk in Integrity and avoid Compromise