Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true Worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in Truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
Worshiping Together
Responding to God for Who He Is and What He Has Done
We endeavor to strike a balance with musical variety at Midway Community Church. Our worship services include musical selections that run the gamut from the latest popular release to timeless hymns of our faith. We include a diverse combination of scripturally grounded hymns, psalms and spiritual songs as commanded in scripture, and normally incorporate a full band. On occasion we utilize a praise choir, ensembles and special guests. Our Youth and Children's programs also include a strong musical component.
As a Church we love our times of corporate worship, and full participation is our goal as we honor God together. The songs we sing together each week are carefully selected and vetted for content. Singing a particular song should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the theological positions of an artist, record label or ministry.
As a Church we love our times of corporate worship, and full participation is our goal as we honor God together. The songs we sing together each week are carefully selected and vetted for content. Singing a particular song should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the theological positions of an artist, record label or ministry.

Children's Music

We integrate music into all our Children's Ministries (Preschool, Kidsway, and Adventure Club) and occasionally the children sing in the Worship service or special events. There is also a solid Youth Praise team that serves the Youth Ministry on Sunday nights.
Technical Arts

Midway's Technical Arts team coordinates the use of multimedia, lighting, video recording, website design, sound engineering, computers, and more. We are frequently looking to add depth to our Tech team. If you have an interest, please contact